A powerful new ad has been released on Super Bowl day to honor truckers worldwide, particularly the Canadian freedom convoy that has picked up momentum over the past weeks.
“God looked down on his planned paradise and said it needs a backbone so God made a trucker,” the ad states.
“God said I need someone willing to get up before dawn, load trucks, drive all day through the elements, unload and load their trucks again, eat dinner alone while missing their family at home so God made a trucker,” the ad continues.
The ad intersperses different scenes from the patriotic trucker freedom convoy that has captivated the world and provided hope to millions as human liberty is wiped away systematically by globalist elites.
“God said I need somebody willing to stay up all night, driving through their tired eyes, making sure their delivery is on time so school materials, medical supplies, fuel and parts for our automobiles, fresh food for our restaurants, and water for our plants are never in short supply,” the ad states.
“I need somebody who can change a tire in three feet of snow, fix a taillight in the pouring rain, and change their oil in the dark, and who on birthdays and during the holiday seasons will finish their 40-hour week by Tuesday noon then take 24 hours, load up another haul and then do it again, so God made a trucker,” it continues.
“God said, but most importantly, I need someone who when the freedoms I bestowed upon the world are threatened and tyranny is knocking at the door to stand up together, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, regardless of skin tone, gender, sexual orientation, heritage or age, to say enough is enough and demand that our lives, our liberties, and our freedoms are worth fighting for,” the ad states. It concludes with a powerful scene of various trucker convoy leaders reciting the Lord’s prayer.
The full ad can be seen here:
Big League Politics has reported on the trucker convoy inspiring people throughout the world to resist senseless edicts from government thugs:
“Supporters of the now-famous Canadian Freedom Convoy consisting of truckers and other Canadians occupying the capital of Ottawa and other cities throughout the nation were seen holding hands and singing “We Are The World” outside Parliament Hill Wednesday.
The effort by Canadian truckers against Covid-19 inoculation mandates and other draconian policies has vastly grown in popularity since its recent beginning, with rumors on social media suggesting that the protestors have enough food to keep the effort going for as long as the next 2-to 4 years.
The fight for freedom by Canadians has been met with quite a bit of opposition. Following the fleeing of the city by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, various members of the fake news media have penned stories that attempt to discredit the freedom convoy’s cause.
Take for instance the biased reporting of The Washington Post, fixating on the highly limited presence of swastikas and Confederate flags at a protest in a country that is quite clearly not Germany or the United States.
… It also bears worth mentioning that there remains no evidence that those donning such symbols were established members of the Canadian freedom convoy or protests. Given the prolific instances of hate hoaxes often covered by our country’s media, one cannot help but be skeptical of such implications linking those carrying so-called ‘hateful symbols’ to citizens in the fight for bodily autonomy.”
The freedom trucker convoy movement is not going away. It is only going to keep spreading until human liberty is permanently restored, and this ad will only hasten that inevitability. Honk, honk!