WATCH: PewDiePie Slams Gillette Anti-Masculinity Ad in New Video

Top YouTube creator PewDiePie slammed Gillette today for its new anti-masculinity ad in his latest episode of Pew News, lambasting the company for singling out men, and making fun of the media’s response.
PewDiePie watched and reviewed the latest ad from Gillette in his latest episode of Pew News, telling viewers it “blows my mind that they actually thought this was a good idea.”
“Who doesn’t like to have their moral compass defined to them by a shaving company?” the YouTuber opined while watching the video, continuing that he was hard pressed to identify some of the “toxic” male behavior showcased in the video, “Maybe I’m part of the problem, I don’t get what the issue is here.”
“Watching this video, it doesn’t piss me off. I don’t really care that much. I just think it’s cringe worthy, that’s what it is,” said PewDiePie, “Why is Gillette trying to tell me, or trying to tell everyone, that guys are a problem? Literally putting all guys that are problematic in the same category. Why not focus on something positive instead?”
The YouTuber also criticized the media’s response to the video, focusing on The Guardian, which framed all criticism of the video as “abuse” in an article.
“I really, really appreciate the Guaridan’s title on this. It doesn’t show any bias at all. ‘Gillette #MeToo ad on ‘toxic masculinity’ gets praise – and abuse'”, he laughed, “That seems like such a fair assessment, you know. No it doesn’t!”
“I like how they didn’t call it criticism. It’s just abuse. Everyone that dislikes this video? Abuse. This poor brand, this poor multi million dollar brand, is getting abuse.”
PewDiePie concluded that this was essentially a financial decision by Gillette, and expressed doubt as to whether or not it would prove successful.
“At the end of the day Gillette’s goal is to sell products. You know that their goal behind this video was to do exactly that,” he said, “Again, it’s so cringey that they’re trying to put up this message to sell more products.”
The shaving company’s new ad has proven to be extremely unpopular, leading some companies to take the opposite approach. The CEO of luxury watch manufacturer Ergard Watches released a passionate video celebrating the achievements of men, and taking time to identify the shockingly high workplace fatality, suicide, and homeless rates among the male population.