WATCH: “Tourism” Video Lampoons Antifa Violence in Portland, Far Left Watch Reacts

Portland, Oregon has become the main battleground for antifa’s war against the American right.

Their Democrat Mayor, Ted Wheeler, has allowed mobs of radicals to control the city, and violently attack conservatives with impunity.

With that in mind, YouTube creator Power Tie made a video lampooning a tourism video made for the city.

Between scenes of serene and peaceful city streets, the video is littered with scenes of Antifa violence. The city is dubbed a “Progressive Paradise.”


Violence in the city is reaching a fever pitch, as has been extensively reported here at Big League Politics.

Watchdog groups see the situation in Portland as alarming.

Far Left Watch, who tracks the radical left across the country spoke to Big League Politics about the situation in Portland, stating:

“Of all the violent far-left extremist groups we monitor, the Portland Antifa cell, Rose City Antifa, is one of the most active. Like the Berkeley cell, Rose City Antifa appears to have the tacit support of their Mayor, and like most other Antifa cells, Twitter’s Terms of Service do not appear to apply to them. This cell actively doxes people they believe to be fascists and instructs their 12K followers to engage in targeted harassment and violence with zero recourse from Twitter. They also work closely with other far-left groups in Portland like PDX Resistance whose leader, Micah Rhodes, was recently convicted for multiple counts of sexual assault against a minor.”

Antifa organizers in Portland have made major violent moves in recent months.

Most notable are the Antifa protests against Patriot Prayer rallies in the city. It was one of those rallies where the famous “punch heard around the world” came from Rufio Panman, a Proud Boy who faced an Antifa combatant attacking him with a baton.

While that has been the most violent protest to date, they keep happening, with police finally beginning to take appropriate action.

But while the Patriot Prayer rallies are becoming less violent, Antifa has begun taking over the streets for their own events.

Just last week video was released showing Antifa supporters directing traffic in city streets, and attacking vehicles of those who refuse to follow their orders.

Portland is practically in an anarchist state, with Antifa having free reign over the city. Until police begin cracking down on their activities, it will almost certainly continue.


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