WE WERE RIGHT: Trump Supporters Finally Get To Criticize Mattis As The Establishment Defends Him

President Donald Trump’s supporters are happy to come out of the woodwork to throw shade on General James Mattis in his final days as Defense Secretary.
Big League Politics led the way in exposing Mattis’ duplicity against the president and his constant behind-the-scenes power plays to compel President Trump to send ground troops into new neocon nation-building adventures in the Middle East. But of course, we and other Trump supporters were attacked by others in conservative media who wanted to follow along with the Fox News 2-D Narrative, in which “Mad Dog” was matched in awesomeness only by Nikki Haley.
So, yes, it is refreshing to finally be able to scream: “MATTIS WAS AGAINST TRUMP THE WHOLE TIME!” It’s really a load off, you know?
It is also particularly fitting that Deep State conspirator James Clapper expressed his sadness about Mattis’ departure, echoing the sentiment of the corrupt national security establishment that existed under the Bush and Obama administrations.
Rowan Scarborough reports for the Washington Times:
“Insiders say Mr. Mattis’s chief of staff, retired Navy Rear Adm. Kevin M. Sweeney, preached a “non-political” Defense Department.
They translated his edict as meaning that Trump campaign people and Republicans on Capitol Hill would have limited access to 160 plum, high-paying appointments.
Mr. Mattis gave Mr. Sweeney wide authority over personnel matters, sources said. Mr. Sweeney’s official Pentagonbiography states: “He is responsible for providing counsel and advice to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department.”
Said a former Trump campaign adviser: “General Mattis was briefing Hillary during the 2016 campaign and only became a Trump supporter after the election. He then worked hard to keep Trump campaign advisers and surrogates out of the Pentagon while undermining Trump policies all along. I hope he doesn’t let the door hit him on the way out.”
Sources point to Michele Flournoy as the best of example of Mr. Mattis‘ “non-political” department. She served as President Barack Obama’s undersecretary of defense for policy, and is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Yet she was Mr. Mattis‘ first choice for the ultra-plum job of deputy defense secretary, to the exclusion of rank-and-file Republicans who had been outside looking in for eight years.”
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I reported for Big League Politics:
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary General James Mattis is putting the wheels in motion for a presidential campaign against President Donald Trump in 2020, according to high-level sources in the nation’s capital.
A source confirms that Travis Snyder, an establishment Republican political operator, is working on Mattis’ behalf to reach out to other political professionals to build a viable Mattis 2020 primary campaign. The group has significant financing at its disposal already according to sources.
“I’m sorry but at this time I’m under a legal obligation not to discuss somethings,” Snyder told Big League Politics when questioned about his current business status. “Officially on the record.”
The group surrounding Mattis has the close confidence of White House chief of staff General John Kelly, who knows about the group’s plans. They are also reaching out to Nikki Haley to get her to be involved, possibly as a candidate.
Snyder made that clear in a barely-cryptic recent tweet:
Mattis, one of his senior aides said, raised the issue of his electoral potential last week during a high-level Pentagon meeting, in which he, along with 10-15 of the country’s top civilian and military defense officials, discussed ways to maintain continuity of Defense Department operations in the event that Mattis abruptly resigns or is fired from the cabinet.
“I’d kick Trump’s ass in 2020, and I just might have to!” Mattis said, according to a source.
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Mattis’ work as Defense Secretary has always alarmed Trump loyalists who are in the know. They remember how Mattis was Bill Kristol’s original pick to run third-party against Trump in Kristol’s bid to reduce Trump’s vote share to help Hillary Clinton win. When Mattis said no, and even obscure op-ed writer David French turned him down, Kristol threw his reduced weight behind Evan McMullin.