WHERE’S WHOOPI? ‘The View’ Co-Host Still Missing After Behar Blackface Photos Re-Surface

Whoopi Goldberg, star co-host of ABC’s “The View,” has now missed six straight episodes after blackface photos of co-host Joy Behar resurfaced in the midst of the scandal involving Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam
“Unfortunately Whoopi is still sick, I’m sorry,” said Behar at the opening of Tuesday’s show. “Whoopi, we miss you. I hope you’re watching and I can’t wait for you to get back here.”
Wednesday, Goldberg was absent again, and again Behar offered a similar message.
“So, um, unfortunately Whoopi is still on the mend and hopefully she’ll be here soon,” Behar said Wednesday. “She’s not feeling great, but she’ll be back, maybe soon.”
Behar quickly segued into bashing President Donald J. Trump, the everlasting theme of the ghoulish cast of the daytime talk show.
As Big League Politics reported, Goldberg was absent beginning last Wednesday, just after blackface photos of Behar re-emerged in national media. The show maintains that Goldberg is simply ill, but the timing of her absence is raising eyebrows.
On Monday, Big League Politics followed up on our original story:
Star co-host of ABC’s “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg, missed her fourth straight show Monday morning, coinciding with the resurfacing of co-host Joy Behar’s blackface photo last week.
On Tuesday, a photo emerged of Behar dressed in blackface, which she discussed openly on the show in 2016. Goldberg has not made an appearance on the show since.
CNN pundit Ana Navarro sent a message Monday that she misses Goldberg on “The View.”
Friday, as Goldberg missed her third straight show, Behar told the audience that Goldberg was still “under the weather,” the same reasoning for which Behar said she had missed the two previous shows.
“Whoopi is still under the weather, so we hope she gets well soon and comes right back here where she usually is,” Behar explained.
Goldberg was once again absent Monday morning.
“If you still need to satisfy your Whoopi fix while she’s gone, pick up this month’s Garage Magazine where she talks about her unique sense of style,” Behar said. “There are things going around right now, so take care of yourselves – don’t shake hands with everybody.”
Goldber joins Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the list of prominent leftists who seem to have disappeared into thin air.
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