Why It Would Be GOOD If The Fake News Networks Choose Not To Air President Trump’s Oval Office Address

President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address to the nation Tuesday night is already garnering manufactured controversy from the media industry, which seems to exist to create manufactured controversy about President Trump.
The networks are considering freezing out Trump’s address, in part because they are personally offended that President Trump accurately calls them “Fake News.” So far Fox News and CNN have reportedly agreed to air the 9 PM address focused on the illegal immigration crisis on America’s southern border.
CNN’s Brian Stelter is on top of the invented controversy:
TV exec texts: "He calls us fake news all the time, but needs access to airwaves… If we give him the time, he'll deliver a fact-free screed without rebuttal. And if we don't give him the time, he'll call every network partisan. So we are damned if we do and damned if we don't."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 7, 2019
I, for one, hope the mainstream news networks choose not to cover the address. Such a move would finally cement as accepted fact what Trump supporters have been saying since the beginning: the mainstream media is an agenda-oriented smear machine that seeks to destroy our president, and continuously fails, leaving the American viewing public in a confusing alternate reality in which virtually no televised or printed information can be automatically accepted as Truth.
The independent media will jump on the opportunity to broadcast President Trump’s address, and seize new market share that has been lorded over by the left-wing networks for too long.
The American public will find the mainstream networks in violation of the public’s Right to Know, and they will not forget it. They will tune out of the networks in record numbers.
This phenomenon can be known as “The Roseanne Effect,” as I explain below: