With ‘Democrat’ Mattis Gone, Trump Will Promptly Implement Transgender Military ‘Ban’

President Donald Trump has resurrected an idea pitched early in his presidency. He is planning to remove individuals from the military who do not want to be recognized by their birth gender, a move that was previously obstructed by former Defense Secretary James Mattis, within the next 30 days.
Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist signed a memo on Tuesday that formalized the measure after a Supreme Court ruling on Jan. 22 rendered leftist objections to policy change null and void.
Under the new directive, individuals must serve in the military under their birth gender, and individuals would be banned from transitioning to their preferred gender while serving.
While Trump opponents want the public to think that all transgender people are banned from service, that’s not true. Individuals wanting to serve just have to adhere to the new policy.
Up to 13,000 transgender troops could be discharged from military service if they do not wish to serve as their genitalia warrants, according to estimates from pro-LGBT publication The Advocate.
The advocates for equality are already voicing their objections to this news, as they seem to believe their emotions supersede what is best for US national security.
“The military is the largest employer in the nation and, as the USTS found, transgender people are twice as likely to have served in the Armed Forces as the general population,” said Gillian Branstetter, who works as media relations manager at the National Center for Transgender Equality.
“The President’s revival of his bigoted, disgusting ban on transgender service members is a stunning attack on the patriots who keep us safe and on the most fundamental ideals of our nation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in a press release. His “years-long insistence on his cowardly ban makes clear that prejudice, not patriotism, guides his decisions. If implemented, this hateful policy would undermine our military readiness and betray our core American values.”
However, the whining isn’t likely to change much now that former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who Trump described as a ‘Democrat,’ is out of the Trump administration. He was previously the biggest cheerleader for transgenders to remain in the military, as the ‘Mad Dog’ frequently yipped about Trump’s proposed ban.
Politico explains how Mattis abused his authority to stand in the way of the Commander-in-Chief’s order:
“When Trump tweeted his order that the military ban transgender personnel, Mattis tried to walk it back but ultimately failed. After the White House followed up the tweet with formal guidance, Mattis ordered a six-month policy review headed by his top deputy and generals from each of the military branches.
While the reviews were underway, the existing Obama-era policies that allowed troops to be open about their transgender status — and in some cases receive government-funded sex-reassignment surgeries — remained in place.
But the review ended with Mattis largely acquiescing to Trump, recommending in a memo to the president that “persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria” be “disqualified from military service except under limited circumstances.”
Trump followed through in March by formally ordering a ban based on Mattis’ recommendation — although that policy is now being contested in several court cases.”
While Trump’s move may offend legislative pantywaists like ‘Never Trump’ Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), it will ultimately make the country safer. Transgender individuals are known to be predisposed to mental illness, and their medical needs can be very costly to taxpayers. Putting ‘America First’ means prioritizing the importance of national security over the feelings of individuals pushing a dangerous social movement. Trump is fulfilling his mandate with this transgender military policy.