Witness Stops Kidnapping By Pulling Gun on Suspect
A citizen carrying a firearm thwarted an attempted kidnapping, according to police.
“According to Sgt. Tommy Thompson with Phoenix police, the suspect approached the girl from behind, grabbed her arm and pulled it behind her back and put his arm over her face while she was walking to school near 19th Avenue and Bell Road on April 3,” said a FOX10 report.
That’s when the good samaritan intervened.
“When the suspect started talking to the girl, a witness knocked him down and told him to leave the girl alone,” the report said. “The witness then pointed a handgun at the suspect and told him to leave.”
The police are still searching for the suspect, who ran away when the witness pulled the firearm.
“Good guy with a gun” stories rarely appear in the mainstream press, the public relations arm of the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, the political left continues to infringe upon Americans’ Second Amendment rights. It will not doubt be a motif of the 2020 Democratic Party primary.
Big League Politics reported:
Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wants to ban AR-15 sales in America.
Continuing his anti-gun rhetoric from his failed 2018 Senate campaign, O’Rourke recently said in an interview published by the Hill, “If you own an AR-15, keep it. Continue to use it responsibly and safely. I just don’t think that we need to sell anymore weapons of war into this public.” O’Rourke asserted that the AR-15 is built “for the express purpose of killing people as effectively as possible, in as great a number as possible.”
O’Rourke is one of many Democratic elected officials who have been infected by the anti-gun mind virus sweeping the nation since the 2018 Parkland massacre. In February 2018, during an interview with CBS News, O’Rourke, “I think banning bump stocks makes a lot of sense. … I don’t know that we should raise the age for buying an AR-15 I just don’t think we should be selling AR-15s in this country.”
On October 2018, O’Rourke called for Texas to lead the way in enacting gun control. O’Rourke has not relented in 2019. He is now making gun control a pillar of his 2020 presidential campaign.
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