WOMP, WOMP: Black News Channel Shuts Down After Failing to Pay Their Employees

The Black News Channel shut down on Friday after its lead investor bailed and they failed to pay their employees.

Princell Hair, the company’s president and CEO, let the employees of the failed venture know on Friday that they were canceling live production and going into bankruptcy. The chief investor, Shahid Khan, bailed when nobody wanted to watch the network’s awful, leftist content.

“Due to challenging market conditions and global financial pressures, we have been unable to meet our financial goals, and the timeline afforded to us has run out,” Hair said.

“Remember that we built something great here,” Hair added. “BNC, or something very close to it, will surely return at some point, because the world needs it, and all of you have proven it can be done.”

The more than 250 black journalists, including New York Times columnist Charles Blow and television personality Marc Lamont Hill, are now out of a job. Former Republican Congressman J.C. Watts, who compared Trump supporters to Klansmen, was the founder of the network.

“We are more than athletes and entertainers, and on the hard news side, we’re more than crime,” Watts said, according to a Washington Times report. “For every 17-year-old African American male that you show me that’s being carted off in handcuffs on the 10 o’clock news … I can show you 50 17-year-old African American males that get up every morning trying to figure out, ‘How am I going to make my mother proud of me.’ That’s the story doesn’t get told enough.”

However, his vision for the news turned out to be rejected by the public even as they were platformed on 50 million cable and satellite carriers. There was simply no market demand for their content.

Big League Politics has reported on the growing unpopularity of Black Lives Matter as the public turns on the marxist, anti-American supremacy movement:

For the first time since 2018, a majority of the U.S. public disapproves of the anti-American Black Lives Matter terror movement, a new poll has found.

The poll conducted by Civiqs shows that 44 percent of the public disapproves of BLM while 43 percent of the public supports the anti-white, anti-civilizational uprising. 12 percent of Americans are ambivalent on the issue.

The full results can be seen here:

Americans have been inundated with propaganda for years, including an industry hate hoaxes and blood libels in order to induce support for this odious movement that elevates violent criminals and drug-dealing thugs into false idols.

… The public is finally waking up from the propaganda-induced trance and seeing that BLM is a movement hellbent on societal annihilation.
The shuttering of the Black News Channel is great news for those who reject the BLM, pro-supremacy vision of America. Imagine what would happen if someone started a White News Network! What an absurd and nauseating double standard.
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