WTF? Hunter Biden Admits He “Probably” Smoked Parmesan Cheese Because He Thought It Was Crack Cocaine

Hunter Biden did a sit-down interview with CBS News’ Tracy Smith that aired on the program “CBS Sunday Morning.” It covered a variety of topics, but what stood out to many was his frank admission about the depth of his drug addiction.

Even after his then-vice president father intervened to stop his binge drinking—taken up to cope with the death of his brother Beau— Hunter didn’t take too much time reverting back to his old habits after leaving rehab.

In fact, his habits might’ve worsened, as he admitted to “probably” smoking parmesan cheese because he was desperately looking for crack cocaine.

You would wake up some mornings—I shouldn’t even say some mornings, because you slept for, like, 15 minutes at a time—and be looking for crack, and just smoke whatever was there?” Smith asked Hunter.

Yeah,” Hunter said. “I spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs, smoking anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine. I probably smoked more Parmesan cheese than anyone that you know, I’m sure, Tracy! I mean, I went one time for 13 days without sleeping, and smoking crack and drinking vodka exclusively throughout that entire time.”

Hunter also continued to falsely assert that the infamous laptop in the possession of John Paul Mac Isaac is not his.

“Was that your laptop?” Smith asked.

“For real, I don’t know,” Hunter said.

“I know. But you know that, this isn’t…”

“But my point is, I really don’t know. The answer is, that’s the truthful answer.”

“You don’t know, yes or no, if the laptop was yours?”

“I don’t have any idea. No idea whether or not …”

“So, could have been yours?”

“Of course, certainly,” Hunter said. “There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”

“And you didn’t drop off a laptop to be repaired, in Delaware?”

“No. Not that I remember at all. At all. So, we’ll see.”

The interview promoted Hunter’s new memoir titled Beautiful Things, which “recounts his descent into substance abuse and his tortuous path to sobriety.”

“The story ends with where Hunter is today—a sober married man with a new baby, finally able to appreciate the beautiful things in life,” the book description reads.

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