Yale Study: 22 Million Illegals Living in United States

A new study from Yale University said that the number of illegal aliens in the United States is just over 22 million.

“The results of our analysis are clear: The number of undocumented immigrants in the United States is estimated to be substantially larger than has been appreciated at least in widely accepted previous estimates,” said the study. “The mean of our simulations, which range over more standard but still conservative parameter values, is 22.1 million, essentially twice the current widely accepted estimate.”

This number contradicts the widely cited figure of 11 million illegals, which was from a Pew Research study in 2006. Those who have been paying close attention to the immigration crisis in America have noted that about one million illegal aliens have been consistently arriving in the United States every year since theĀ  2006 Pew study.

Simple arithmetic has allowed these keen observers to estimate that the number of illegals in the United States today is likely somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 million. The pundits who have made this claim, most right-wingers like Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter, have been widely mocked. It seems that the Yale study vindicated them.

“Our results lead us to the conclusion that the widely accepted estimate of 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States is too small,” the study said. “Our model estimates indicate that the true number is likely to be larger, with an estimated ninety-five percent probability interval ranging from 16.2 to 29.5 million undocumented immigrants.”

Yale ran 1,000,000 trials simulating the model, which the study insists is based on conservative inflows.

“First, we generate what we call our conservative estimate, using parameter values that intentionally underestimate population inflows and overestimate population outflows, leading to estimates that will tend to underestimate the number of undocumented immigrants. Our conservative estimate for 2016 is 16.7 million, well above the estimate that is most widely accepted at present, which is for 2015 but should be comparable,” according to the study.

Yale is not exactly a bastion of conservatism, adding to the credibility of the study. In fact, of Yale’s freshman class, more students identified themselves as being on the LGBT spectrum than as conservative.

With a new and credible estimate of the illegal population in hand, it is time for American politicians and open borders leftists to take our illegal immigration problem seriously.

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