YouTube Admits To Hiding Dislikes For Biden Regime Videos After Public Mass Downvoting

YouTube has had quite a sordid history of censoring specific views that it deems too dangerous and truthful for public consumption. From banning prominent dissident right channels to censoring even milquetoast channels such as PragerU, the video-sharing forum is no stranger to shaping the views of its visitors in order to steer society in a certain direction. Until quite recently, this push was done under the guise of protecting viewers from misinformation and supposed violations of community guidelines. But after a string of popularity hits taken by the Biden regime, the gloves appear to be coming off.

According to Summit News, YouTube has officially announced that it will be hiding the number of dislikes on videos from viewers in a supposed effort to reduce “creator harassment”, a move that is conveniently happening after several videos from the Biden administration received worse dislike-to-like ratios than even the most infamous Justin Bieber music videos. This news, however, was received warmly by some ‘news’ outlets.

“YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on videos across its site, starting today,” reports The Verge. The article from The Verge goes on to attempt to justify this move by claiming that because the content creator will still be able to see the true number of dislikes, this turns the dislikes from being a potential object of online abuse to being a healthy feedback mechanism for the creator. Word is still out on whether Justin Bieber and other celebrities certain segments of American society love to hate will denounce YouTube for not coming to their aid sooner.

YouTube is apparently against those who dislike videos for the sake of disliking them, so much so that this is used as one of the key official motivators behind this move. Thus far, the comment section has been left open on most videos and is closed by the creator should they feel it necessary, which many kid-friendly or subpar pages do. YouTube will be conducting this removal in stages.

Some have openly questioned the official justification of the social media giant’s move, with some rather amusing visual aid:

The reader shall be left to judge how much of a role this played.

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