Big League Wellness
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Aug 5, 2020

After Giving a Pass to Rioters, Medical ‘Experts’ Blame Family Gatherings for Surge in COVID-19 Cases

By Shane Trejo

The medical experts, aided by fake news media propagandists, are shaming families for gathering together and supposedly spreading COVID-19 while giving a pass to race rioters and leftists burning down cities in the name of Black Lives Matter (BLM).

Authorities are pointing to cases where parties supposedly turned into large-scale COVID-19 spread events. They include a party in Charlotte, N.C. where 40 people were supposedly infected and a Dallas party where one individual allegedly died and 13 others tested positive. The state of Wisconsin claimed that “48% of the positive cases who were interviewed stated that they had attended a gathering, party or meeting with people from outside their household” when issuing a new emergency order in July.

So-called medical experts are using this dubious news in an attempt to scare people into staying confined in their homes, being isolated away from their loved ones, and succumbing to the never-ending COVID-19 mass hysteria.

“It is foolish to endanger the lives of those you love the most,” San Bernardino County officials said to scare citizens into atomization.

However, these accusations seem particularly dubious due to the fact that the experts have given a pass to BLM terrorists committing a nationwide orgy of destruction.

Over 1,000 medical professionals signed a letter making it clear that they support widespread protests during the COVID-19 pandemic, completely flying in the face of everything they had said in the week weeks prior and showing that the entire agenda behind the scamdemic is political.

“We created the letter in response to emerging narratives that seemed to malign demonstrations as risky for the public health because of Covid-19,” the so-called experts wrote in their letter.

“Instead, we wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health, thereby addressing multiple public health crises.” they added.

The insane double-speak continued in the letter, which would have perhaps made George Orwell’s head explode.

“Staying at home, social distancing, and public masking are effective at minimizing the spread of COVID-19. To the extent possible, we support the application of these public health best practices during demonstrations that call attention to the pervasive lethal force of white supremacy,” the letter stated.

They noted that the BLM terror riots were permissible, because they like the social agenda behind them, but that peaceful protests against quarantine edicts were unacceptable, because the ordinary people deprived of their livelihoods due to the shutdown do not matter to these elitists.

“However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders,” the authors wrote.

The COVID-19 scamdemic may go down as the cruelest hoax in history, and American society will likely never recover from the economic and psychological damage caused by the mendacious lies of these so-called scientific experts.