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Dec 6, 2023

Al Gore Says Social Media Algorithms ‘Ought to be Banned’, Calls Them ‘Digital Equivalent of AR-15s’

By Shane Trejo

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is calling for the banning of social media algorithms, calling them the “digital equivalent of AR-15s.”

Gore made the comments while at the Bloomberg ‘Green’ conference, babbling on about “rabbit holes”, “artificial insanity”, and “pitcher plants” in a rant that revealed him as old, sad and out-of-touch.

“If you have social media that is dominated by algorithms that pull people down these rabbit holes that are a bit like pitcher plants, these algorithms they are the digital equivalent of AR-15s. They ought to be banned. They really ought to be banned. It is an abuse of the public forum,” Gore said.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI. Not artificial intelligence – artificial insanity. I’m serious. I’m serious,” he continued, as the audience of spoon-fed liberals struggled muster applause for his lame, canned talking point that resonated with nobody.

“These devices are the enemies of self-government, and they’re the enemies of democracy. We need reforms for both democracy and capitalism, both sets of reforms are possible,” Gore added.

The algorithms on social media are notoriously biased in favor of left-wing thought, with conservatives regularly shadowbanned and their free speech systemically violated. But this is not what Gore is complaining about. He does not want viewpoint discrimination eliminated on Big Tech. Instead, what Gore wants is a social media landscape in which no dissent from the Official Truth ordained by the regime is permissible in any way, shape or form. He is quite literally cheerleading for the Orwellian Nightmare.

The video can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on how Big Tech aggressively censored the completely legitimate Hunter Biden laptop story in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election:

Billionaire technocrat Elon Musk is beginning to release the “Twitter Files,” showing the heinous amount of corruption within the organization’s woke left-wing management class, and the initial dispatches have not disappointed.

Acclaimed journalist Matt Taibbi is analyzing the Twitter Files and posting them on his social media account. Taibbi demonstrated how Twitter went to obscene lengths to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

“Twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress the story, removing links and posting warnings that it may be “unsafe.” They even blocked its transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography,” Taibbi wrote.

Findings from Carl Szabo of the research firm, NetChoice, who met with both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Washington D.C. after the Hunter Biden laptop story was published, show exactly how the Democrats are blatantly at war with freedom of speech and enforce Big Brother censorship with regulatory threats against private companies.

“The Democrats were in agreement: social media needs to moderate more because they’re corrupting democracy and making all “truth” relative. When pushed on how the government might insist on that, consistent with the First Amendment, they demurred: “the First Amendment isn’t absolute,”‘ Szabo wrote in an email, according to the Twitter Files.

Other juicy tidbits from the Twitter files show how staffers, like former Twitter head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde and former Twitter trust and safety chief Yoel Roth, had seized control from then-CEO Jack Dorsey in order to institute a Democrat-led censorship regime. Musk, who now serves as CEO, fired Gadde and forced Roth out as part of his hostile takeover of the tech giant.

“An amazing subplot of the Twitter/Hunter Biden laptop affair was how much was done without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, and how long it took for the situation to get “unf*cked” (as one ex-employee put it) even after Dorsey jumped in,” Taibbi noted.”

A free and open internet is dangerous to the globalist’s plans. Their new world order is flimsy and can be defeated by the awakened masses. Trump’s victory in 2024 will be their Waterloo.