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Jul 3, 2018

Anti-Trump Conspirator At Justice Department SET TO RESIGN After Big League Politics Report

By Patrick Howley

WASHINGTON — Scott Schools has been identified as the man at the Department of Justice responsible for leading most of the moves against President Donald Trump coming from inside DOJ. Now Scott Schools is resigning from office, having made a powerful enemy in the President of the United States. Schools was a hire of Sally Yates, the former deputy attorney general who is still involved in Barack Obama’s scheme to undermine the Trump administration from within.

NPR was forced to report: “Scott Schools, a top aide to the deputy attorney general, is planning to leave the Justice Department, according to two people familiar with his decision. The job title for Schools — associate deputy attorney general — belied his importance as a strategic counselor and repository of institutional memory and ethics at the DOJ. Schools has played a critical, if behind-the-scenes, role in some of the most important and sensitive issues in the building. This year, Schools recommended then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe be fired for a “lack of candor” in an internal investigation. Earlier, he advised former acting Attorney General Sally Yates about the boundaries of her congressional testimony in early 2016. And more recently, Schools has been photographed near the offices of Russia special counsel Robert Mueller, as one of a few top DOJ aides to get regular briefings on the status of that investigation.”

Big League Politics very recently reported:

WASHINGTON — Associate deputy attorney general Scott Schools, the highest-ranking career lawyer in the Department of Justice, was hired by anti-President Trump conspirator Sally Yates in October 2016 at a key moment in the anti-Trump Deep State conspiracy.

A top official tells Big League Politics that Scott Schools, as the most trusted DOJ ethics official, told Rod Rosenstein NOT to recuse himself in any cases involving alleged Russian collusion, and that Schools is also responsible for advising Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the case. Schools then advised Rosenstein to appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel.

The liberal magazine Slate, which called Schools the “conscience” of the DOJ last year, acknowledged that Schools advised Rosenstein to appoint Mueller and to not recuse himself.

That puts Sally Yates, the DOJ official who lost her job for refusing to obey President Trump’s travel ban, firmly at the center of the entire Robert Mueller affair. Don McGahn, White House counsel close to Rosenstein, is fingered as another bad actor in the mess.