Fake News Media
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Mar 18, 2019

Associated Press Spreads Conspiracy Theory About Recent Deaths in Ferguson, Missouri

By Peter D'Abrosca

A mainstream news outlet spread a social media conspiracy to its international audience on Sunday, when it published a story about a string of deaths in the town of Ferguson, Missouri.

“Six deaths, all involving men with connections to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, drew attention on social media and speculation in the activist community that something sinister was at play,” Associated Press said in a Sunday story.

Ferguson was the home of the Black Lives Matter riots after the death of Michael Brown, who was shot by Officer Darren Wilson in self defense.

According to AP, the recent deaths in Ferguson are “puzzling,” despite the fact that authorities have said that none are connected to the Ferguson riots. This is a stark contrast to the normal mainstream press narrative, which disallows anyone from questioning any official government or press narrative, and labels dissenters as “conspiracy theorists.” For proof, see the press’s desperate attempt to marginalize anyone who speaks out about the untimely deaths of several people who were close to the Clinton family.

Two of the recent deaths in Ferguson were ruled homicides. Three were ruled suicides, and one an accidental overdose. Despite that, AP is pressing forward with the conspiracy theory – which started on social media – that something is amiss in Ferguson.

“But some activists say their concerns about a possible connection arise out of a culture of fear that persists in Ferguson 4 ½ years after Brown’s death, citing threats — mostly anonymous — that protest leaders continue to receive,” the report said.

One of the protestors found a box in his car containing a six foot Python, which could suggest that someone with a grudge against the Ferguson rioters has murdered six of them – or could be totally innocuous. AP suggested this as proof that something sinister is happening in Ferguson.

Several other left wing media organizations, including NBC and The Kansas City Star, have picked up the story.

AP did not return a comment request.

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Preorder Peter D’Abrosca’s Book: Enemies: The Press vs. The American People”