Deep State
| On
Jun 11, 2019

Barr Invokes D-Day At FBI Academy Speech

By Richard Moorhead

Attorney General Bill Barr compared his arrival at the Department of Justice to the 1944 Normandy Landings, invoking the operations on their 75th anniversary.

Attorney General Barr was speaking on Saturday to a graduating class of the FBI Academy.

As we’ve been watching the coverage of June 6, 1944 — D-Day — I had the thought that my arrival this time felt a little bit, I think, like jumping into Sainte-Mère-Église on the morning of June 5, trying to figure out where you could land without getting shot.

Barr’s tenure at the DOJ has thus far proved contentious, with partisans and Democrats directing metaphorical fire upon him for refusing to put political spin on an empty Mueller Report, placing a plan to impeach the President dead in its tracks.

California Congressman Adam Schiff- a ringleader of various Russia conspiracies and impeachment plots- recently called Barr “the second most dangerous man in America.

Barr appears to be unwavering in his drive to institute reforms at the Department of Justice, which has faced serious institutional corruption dating back to President Obama’s administration.

High-level officials within the Department such as James Comey are now being investigated for purported interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Barr’s current tenure as the Attorney General is his second stint in the position, having served in the office during the George H.W. Bush administration.