Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs is begging America’s veterans to take an experimental Coronavirus vaccine. The V.A. is cynically using the terminology of military service to coerce vets into taking the vaccine, which many patriots are refusing to take amid unprecedented medical tyranny in America pushed by the government and big corporations. The V.A. has also imposed a vaccine mandate on its health care staff, and the agency itself is vaccinating veterans.
“Thank you for your service to our Nation,” says V.A. Secretary Denis McDonough, a former Obama White House Chief of Staff, in an official letter that is being circulated to America’s heroes. The letter was co-authored by Richard Stone, who announced he was leaving his position as the V.A.’s acting undersecretary for health shortly before he co-signed this letter in late June.
“Your commitment to our country’s long legacy of service has protected us, and our Nation owes you a debt of gratitude we can never repay. We must once again ask you to volunteer to serve,” the letter states. “COVID-19 has affected all of us in unique ways. We have lost far too many former brothers and sisters in arms, family members and friends over the last year. It is time for this pandemic to be over and I ask for your help in protecting this Nation and completing the last part of this journey.” The letter goes on to tell veterans that the three COVID vaccines “are proven to be safe.”
The Department of Veterans Affairs has long garnered disgust from veterans who feel they have been horribly mistreated by the V.A. bureaucracy. In 2014, I broke the Veterans Affairs scandal, which led to massive scrutiny on Obama’s government agency for deleting patient medical requests from veterans. President Donald Trump campaigned in 2016 on reforming the V.A. and he accomplished that feat, firing a massive number of V.A. officials when he took office including V.A. workers that he said were literal “sadists.” But the V.A. continues to engage in conduct seen as being harmful, rather than beneficial, to veterans, especially since the Coronavirus era in America began. In 2020, predominately black older veterans who used V.A. services were used as veritable test subjects for a study that tried to dispute hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness in combating Coronavirus. But the debunked study made no mention of V.A. doctors prescribing Zinc, which is a necessary part of the widely-praised hydroxychloroquine treatment touted by President Donald Trump. Here is part of the staggeringly cynical letter that Biden’s V.A. has addressed to our heroes: