Big League Wellness
| On
Dec 16, 2021

Bill Gates Admits that Coronavirus Vaccines “Only Slightly” Reduce Transmission

By Richard Moorhead

Globalist oligarch Bill Gates made a candid admission about the nature of coronavirus vaccines speaking last month at an event of the British think tank Policy Exchange, stating that the medicine “only slightly” reduces the actual spread of coronavirus. Scientific consensus indicates the vaccines are effective at preventing coronavirus cases from becoming severe to the point of death or hospitalization, but they’re not as useful at preventing individuals from spreading the virus to one another.

We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission… We got vaccines that help with your health, but they only slightly reduce transmission. We need a new way of doing the vaccine.

Gates called for medical research to innovate vaccines that would effectively block transmission of the virus, a questionable aim considering the mutating and adapting nature of a disease such as coronavirus.

Gates has styled himself as a leader and proponent of the coronavirus vaccines, despite having no background in health sciences and nothing to do with the vaccines’ development.

Coronavirus vaccines were originally advertised as a means to prevent the spread of coronavirus itself, with their utility almost exclusively evident in preventing severe cases. Its utility makes the vaccine similar to natural immunity- people who have recovered from coronavirus can transmit the viral particles, despite not suffering from severe cases due to existing antibodies.

In peculiar fashion, major social media networks such as Twitter have labeled Gates’ (entirely truthful) remarks on the efficacy of vaccines as “misinformation” liable with internet censorship. Twitter’s standing policy forbids stating that vaccinated people can spread coronavirus, in what amounts to forcible suppression of the plain scientific truth.

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