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Feb 9, 2022

CANADA: Alberta Vaxx Passport Mandate Expires Feb 9

By Darian Douraghy

Alberta’s Covid-19 vaccine passport mandate will cease to exist beginning on February 9th, and more public health restrictions will be possibly be lifted on March 1st if all goes according to plan, Premier Jason Kenney announced Tuesday.

The Canadian premier argued at a news conference that while he believes the restrictions exemption program (REP) served its initial purpose of coercing more Canadians into taking the jab, it is no longer an effective tool for doing so and thus is no longer needed.

“(The REP) has made a huge difference,” Kenney said. “It has saved many lives.”

He also reportedly said that the program would only be useful moving forward if Canada’s definition of “fully vaccinated” changes to citizens who have taken an additional third booster shot.

Officials in some Canadian municipalities, including two of Alberta’s biggest cities, have apparently weighed scrapping some of the current emergency health restrictions intended to be temporary in nature in favor of more permanent bylaws. Kenney indicated a desire to speak with mayors who are weighing such draconian and unprecedented actions.

“I’d like to know if it is their intention to create an entirely separate municipal public health policy,” he said. “I think that would be a serious problem.”

Kenney said that many restrictions that continue to harm children will be removed this coming weekend, including the forced masking orders for children 12 and under.

“Kids have been subjected to a heavy and I think unfair burden throughout the pandemic, given the very low threat that COVID-19 poses to the health of children,” he said.

Alberta’s premier also stressed that while his province will no longer force Covid-19 passports by government mandate, individual businesses who enjoy policing the inoculation status of others are still welcome to do so.

“(That) may appeal to a certain kind of customer,” he said, adding that he hopes there will come a time that the province does away with tracking the health of citizens through state-sponsored digital QR codes. “(The) problem is we have a lot of Albertans who — especially in the cold winter — love traveling.”

“As long as there is a federal requirement (for air travelers to be vaccinated)… we have to offer that as a service.”

The number of Canadians taking the experimental mRNA gene therapy remains very high; current numbers from the country report a whopping 35% of citizens aged 5 and older sporting both the full Covid-19 inoculation series and an additional third booster shot.

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