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Jun 11, 2020

Catholic Archbishop Warns President Trump of Evil ‘Deep State’ and ‘Deep Church’ Forces in Shocking Letter

By Shane Trejo

Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a harrowing letter to President Donald Trump urging him not to back down in the face of the incredible evil that is coming from the political Left.

“The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media,” Viganò wrote in his letter to President Trump.

“In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness,” he added.

Viganò, who worked as a Vatican ambassador to Washington before blowing the whistle about child rapists hiding behind the cloth, showed his incredible knowledge of what is going on in contemporary politics, and urged Trump to keep his resolve under the incredible pressure that he is facing.

He said that “it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans.”

“They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions,” he added.

Viganò called out the agenda of the power elite and how they are running social experiments on the population to destroy Trump and subjugate the masses to a globalist anti-Christian system.

“It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction,” he wrote.

“It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom,” Viganò added.

Viganò explained that “just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God.” He commends President Trump for being a righteous leader, the first one who has been at the helm of the United States in quite some time.

“For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship,” Viganò wrote.

“Your participation in the March for Life, and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons,” he added.

Viganò concluded his letter by offering his prayers for President Trump along with the hope that the American people unite around him, around Jesus Christ, and against the deep state and deep church that operate with sinister intentions.

“In this dramatic and decisive hour for all of humanity, I am praying for you and also for all those who are at your side in the government of the United States. I trust that the American people are united with me and you in prayer to Almighty God,” Viganò wrote.

Although he did not mention Pope Francis by name, it is obvious from Francis’ actions – such as telling a molestation victim that God made him gay and rehabilitating a pedophile predator priest to high standing within the Catholic Church – that the blasphemous Marxist Pope is an operative of the deep church.