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Oct 25, 2021

CHAD ALERT: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Partied with Hot Babes When He was a Young Teacher

By Shane Trejo

The newest hit piece against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is out from the Radical Left, and it may be the most absurd one to date.

DeSantis is getting slammed by the fake news for being a young attractive man who was a chick magnet when he was a high school teacher at Darlington School in Georgia. He is pictured with women who are falling all over the right-wing stud, apparently not able to get enough of the man.

A 2001 newsletter from the school announced his hiring with the following blurb: “Ron DeSantis is joining the Upper School history department. DeSantis earned bachelor’s degrees in history and political science from Yale University, New Haven, Conn. While at Yale, he worked for the political science department, the athletic department, and the university sports camp. He has work experience with the Sonic Corporation and the office of Senator Connie Mack.”

The hit piece, published by, admits that “it is not clear whether any of them were legal adults,” meaning there is no evidence that DeSantis was guilty of any wrongdoing. They even admitted that the babes couldn’t get enough of the lothario DeSantis.

“According to our whistleblower, he had a reputation among students for being a young “hot teacher” who girls loved, and the girls in the photo are believed to have graduated in 2002, making them seniors at the time,” the hit piece stated.

Big League Politics has reported on DeSantis becoming a frequent pinata for the fake news media as they attempt to derail his rising star:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is calling out CBS News for a hit piece they released on “60 Minutes” last Sunday denigrating his COVID-19 policy with fabrications.

“They cut out everything that showed that their narrative was a piece of horse manure, and it shows how dishonest – these are smear merchants – and that’s why nobody trusts corporate media. They are a disaster in what they are doing,” he said.

DeSantis explained how the fake news has no credibility but they have to keep lying to the public endlessly in order to keep globalism propped up.

“We’ve offered them the information and they declined to interview the key people because they didn’t want to let go of the narrative. Well, guess what? There’s going to be consequences,” he said.

“I know corporate media thinks they can run over people. Well, ya ain’t running over this governor. I’m punching back, and I’m going to continue to do it until these smear merchants are held accountable,” DeSantis added.

He explained how the vaccine regime in Florida has saved the lives of seniors and protected the entire population from the virus.

“You can’t lie, and you should have not run it. They were warned and yet they plowed ahead anyway,” DeSantis said.

“They know if they would have put out everything, they wouldn’t have had a story. And so, they went for the smear. They’ve been caught red handed,” he added.

DeSantis may be the perfect successor for President Donald Trump to lead the America First GOP, considering both men’s remarkable prowess with the fairer sex. No future Republican leader is acceptable unless he is a Chad.

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