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Dec 9, 2021

Chicago Repeat Offender Arrested in Execution-Style Shooting of Asian Senior Citizen

By Richard Moorhead

Chicago police have arrested and charged a repeat offender in the seemingly execution shooting of a 71-year old man in the city’s Chinatown district.

A shocking video of a brutal murder was publicized Wednesday, revealing a driver shooting Woom Sing Tse, a Chinese immigrant. The shooter exits his vehicle to fire a second shot at Tse- who had merely walked out of his house to get a newspaper from the mailbox.

He was a man who came to this country with just a few dollars in his pockets and through hard work and his spirit, achieved the American dream,” Chicago police Supt. David Brown said of Tse Wednesday night. “Mr. Tse built a home and provided for his family. He was a father, a husband, a grandfather, a man of the community, a Chicagoan.

The police department apprehended 23-year old Alphonso Joyner just minutes after the shooting on Wednesday, revealing that the accused culprit in the shooting has been arrested four times in the past year. Joyner was previously arrested for illegal weapons violations, including carrying a weapon with a silencer device. Silencers are commonly used by recreational shooters to protect their hearing, and there’s little self-defense purpose to carrying a firearm with one.

Joyner has been charged with one count of first-degree murder.

Residents of Chicago’s Chinatown and the local Asian community have expressed concern over decreasing public safety, law and order, and declining quality of life in the city, known for some of the highest rates of violent crime of any big city in America. The shooting follows a series of high-profile violent crimes against Asian Americans in big cities.

Some progressives have sought to liken what resembles a spree of violent crimes against Asians in big cities to a consequence of “white supremacy,” despite evidence showing many of the crimes are perpetuated by other minorities.

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