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Sep 27, 2021

China Seeks To Influence American Culture With New Universal Studio In Bejing

By Albert Turkington

In yet another example of the perils of globalism towards American and Western cultural sovereignty, Universal Studios has finally ended its two-decade wait and inaugurated a brand new resort in Bejing. This comes at a time where an increasing number of ordinary citizens in the West are expressing concerns over the increasing influence of China and the CCP on what Westerners see on television and in the theater as a result of this push to globalize the entertainment industry.

According to The Epoch Times, the CCP has the clearest of intentions to use the now-massive Chinese consumer market to influence the content coming out of Hollywood. The main conduit by which these wishes will be expressed is through the granting or denial of access to the Mainland Chinese market, especially as economic growth in recent decades has been shifting away from extreme poverty alleviation to exponentially increasing the numbers of Chinese that are in the global middle class, which is usually defined as those living on $10-50 a day adjusted for purchasing power parity.

Indeed, Hollywood is already bowing to market pressures from China in recent years and has been including famous Chinese movie stars in their films in order to gain support from Chinese moviegoers. In fact, the pull of the Chinese market has been so great as to warrant film producers to adhere to Chinese aesthetic preferences, namely to include a higher proportion of light-skinned movie stars in their international blockbusters.

It would appear that the CCP has been increasingly looking to turn the Middle Kingdom’s increasing soft power into tangible geopolitical influence not only by using their consumer market as leverage but also by buying up media outlets in the West in order to soft-sell their “socialism with Chinese characteristics” to the rest of the world.

The new Universal Resort in Bejing will be not only the fifth under Universal’s resort belt, but it is also the largest in size. Whilst not surprising given the fact that China has had the world’s largest middle class by wealth for several years now, it nonetheless represents a worry for any Western patriot looking to resist Communist encroachment into Western entertainment as well as educational institutions.

The inauguration of the Bejing resort represents a significant long-term investment by Universal into the Chinese market. Originally put forth some 20 years ago by the Bejing Tourism Group, the project was officially announced in 2014 and was initially costed at $3.3 billion. According to The Wall Street Journal, this was nearly doubled to $6.5 billion after final adjustments and expansions were made.

One of the more concerning implications of this milestone is that entertainment content coming out of Hollywood, as warped as it already is, could potentially be further distorted by the CCP threatening to deny market access if movies, tv shows, and videogames should certain aspects of said content be displeasing to the CCP, such as an overemphasis on fighting for human rights. Whether the West will successfully resist this onslaught appears to be in the hands of Western leaders.

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