Fake News Media
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Jan 29, 2019

CNN Hires Three #NeverTrump Weekly Standard Castaways

By Tom Pappert

Tweets reveal CNN has latched on to at least three Weekly Standard castaways in the months since the magazine ceased publication.

A tweet by CNN’s Jake Tapper reveals the network hired former Weekly Standard writers Haley Byrd, Holmes Lybrand, and Mike Warren to write news for the often distressed cable network, answering any questions readers may have about the formerly conservative magazine’s true political affiliation.

Formerly a relevant conservative giant, The Weekly Standard became a tired, anti-Trump voice for globalism in the final years of its publication. Its website, still available for an unknown period of time, currently features stories including “Nikki Haley Is Fierce”, “The Last Roman Poet”, and “Fairies, Dragons, and Civilizations”.

The Weekly Standard officially went out of business in December of last year, with a tweet from Bill Kirstol confirming its fate.

Big League Politics reported at the time:

Kristol is known for ditching the GOP over the nomination of President Donald J. Trump in favor of the globalist establishment. Weekly Standard’s former readers left for more in-touch media sources and never forgave him. After 23 years in business, the publication became obsolete in just two years.

The conservative world reacted on Twitter, mostly celebrating the death of a rag that worked against the interests of conservatives who support Trump.

“The Weekly Standard folded because conservatives are tired of being force fed bullsh*t from out-of-touch, outdated elitists that think their opinions (& that of legacy media in general) are superior to everyone else’s. You won’t see a single ounce of pity coming from me over it,” said Richard Armande Mills.

It appears at least a few of the writers for the once conservative magazine follow the ideology of Kristol, and are eagerly finding new homes with their ideological allies at CNN.