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Dec 23, 2019

Conservative Inc. Strikes Back Against Tucker Carlson for Exposing Their Connections to Big Tech

By Shane Trejo

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blistered the Conservative Inc. front groups that are in bed with Big Tech on Friday, pointing out how well-funded conservative organizations defend Big Tech’s right to censor with special privileges granted to them under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

He blasted the Heritage Foundation, one of the longest standing free market thinktanks in Washington D.C., for carrying water for the left-wing corporate monoliths.

“As an organization, Heritage no longer represents the interests of conservatives, at least on the question of tech,” Carlson said.

Carlson also criticized Heritage for defending “the special privileges that Congress has given to left-wing Silicon Valley monopolies” because they commissioned a white paper arguing that the free market will solve the problem of Draconian censorship of conservatives by Big Tech.

The Heritage Foundation struck back against Carlson on Saturday, issuing a statement claiming that his segment contained “several false, outrageous, and unfounded accusations.”

“Rather than engage in a substantive policy debate, he chose instead to make ad hominem attacks and question our integrity. We are disappointed this came from someone whom we admire and respect,” said Heritage Foundation Vice President of Communications Rob Bluey.

Bluey wrote in the statement that Carlson “failed to acknowledge Heritage experts’ consistent criticism of technology companies” and defended the work of his organization as being “based on the principles that guide all of our policy recommendations.”

Heritage also claimed that “Carlson did not contact us in advance of his segment or provide Heritage with an opportunity to respond to his accusations.”

While Heritage may claim that the private sector will protect the rights of conservatives, the facts indicate otherwise. The free market is doing nothing to protect digital speech, and as a matter of fact, powerful market forces are colluding to enact Big Brother.

Koch and Soros operatives plotted the most effective ways to privately enforce the Orwellian Nightmare during a bipartisan conference earlier this year:

The Koch Brothers and George Soros sponsored the “Private Sector Leadership Summit” last week in San Francisco, CA where the billionaire globalist oligarchs urged tech corporations to increase their Big Brother censorship practices.

The event took place on July 17 at the Airbnb headquarters. The summit is an offshoot of the “Communities Overcoming Extremism: The After-Charlottesville Project.” Top sponsors included the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, the Charles Koch Institute (CKI), Comcast NBC Universal, the National Immigration Forum, and neocon Bill Kristol’s organization, Defending Democracy Together.

Speakers at the event included CKI Director of Free Expression Sarah Ruger, Cato Institute Vice President John Samples, ADL Extremism Center Director Oren Segal, ADL Senior Vice President of Programs George Selim, and Americans for Prosperity Vice President for Legal and Judicial Strategy Casey Mattox. The event made official the peculiar union of the Koch foundation with the political Left, as they scramble to protect the globalist status quo…

The event made it clear that there will be many opportunities for funding from the corporate elite to facilitate the Orwellian nightmare in the digital age. If the plotting of the Koch network is ultimately successful, it won’t even require government intervention for Big Brother to become reality.

“The work of combating extremism will require alliances, partnerships, and funding decisions, in many cases between surprising bedfellows. Join a diverse range of leaders for a conversation about how and why they have sought to involve their organizations in the work of overcoming extremism, including through policy alliances and philanthropic investments,” the program reads.

Despite Heritage’s futile attempts at damage control, Carlson’s reporting is clearly hitting the mark. Conservative Inc. is willing to work with Big Tech to protect their rich backers and keep the grassroots from having a voice.