Fake News Media
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Jan 18, 2019

Count Dankula Demonetized on YouTube After Buzzfeed Hit Piece

By Tom Pappert

Embattled YouTuber Count Dankula had his entire channel demonetized by YouTube after a Buzzfeed hit piece described him as “right-wing” and compared him to Tommy Robinson and Paul Joseph Watson.

Count Dankula, who was previously convicted in the United Kingdom of hate speech and fined after he filmed a video of his pug saluting Adolf Hitler, revealed that his channel was entirely demonetized the day after a Buzzfeed reporter mentioned him by name in an article.

“I had a DM from Twitter from a Buzzfeed reporter asking me about the monetization of my channel,” Dankula revealed, “I thought that was quite strange for them to ask out of the blue, so I went to check my channel, and realized that every single video I have ever uploaded has been demonetized.”

After doing more research, the YouTube creator learned that the same Buzzfeed reporter had mentioned him by name in an article about Tommy Robinson.

“I then see that this very same Buzzfeed reporter made an article earlier today where he’s talking about Tommy Robinson getting demonetized, and I noticed that in the article, the guy pretty much calls me ‘far right,'” Dankula explained, “I’m completely used to left wing outlets lying about me and using these false tales about me.”

“People can call me a Nazi, bigot, racist, blah blah blah f*cking blah all they want, because I know I’m none of those things,” said Dankula, “People who actually watch my channel know I’m none of those things.”

The YouTuber believes this is an orchestrated attempt from the left to economically strangle him, leaving him unable to pay his bills. He states that after his controversial court case, in which he was found guilty of violating the United Kingdom’s laws against hate speech, he is unable to secure other employment, and depended on his YouTube channel’s income to pay his bills.

“My chances of getting a regular job are gone,” the YouTuber told his viewers, “All of those doors are closed because of what the courts and the media did.”

Still, Dankula promised to keep producing content.

“Even from here, if I’m making no money, I’m still going to make YouTube videos,” he said, “I’m not in this to make money, I’m in this to get freedom of speech in the UK. That’s much more important than paying my bills.”