The 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has featured the likes of #NeverTrump stalwart Glenn Beck and CNN’s Van “Whitelash” Jones. But the people who were left off the list have been raising eyebrows among actual conservatives.
The Banned:
Nick Fuentes: The host of a podcast called “America First,” who boasts a solid 34.6 thousand Twitter followers and averages about 10,000 views per episode has been completely banned from the conference. Fuentes describes himself as a “nationalist” and a “paleoconservative.”
Silenced Media:
Faith Goldy: The Canadian reporter who ran for Mayor of Toronto, Ontario and supports the nationalist agenda, putting citizens of Canada and the United States ahead of illegal aliens, was denied media pass for the event.
Goldy and I spoke briefly, and she noted that far leftist Jared Holt, who runs Right Wing Watch and whose sole job it is to destroy the political right, has a media pass for CPAC. Right Wing Watch is funded by Hungarian billionaire Gorge Soros. Will Sommer of the far-left The Daily Beast also secured media credentials, and has been creeping around the halls of the event.
Virginia Dare: VDare is an immigration reform and activist organization with a substantial Twitter following. Often falsely labeled a “white supremacist” group, the organization was not allowed to procure media credentials for the event.
High-Profile Snubs:
Ann Coulter: The author and commentator was not invited to speak at the conference for at least the second year in a row. Coulter, known for her staunch support of closed borders and sane immigration policy, helped propel Trump to the presidency in 2016. She has been recently critical of Trump for failure to build the wall.
Coulter took note of the snub on Twitter.
This year, it appears that CPAC has attempted to neuter the America First crowd, instead foisting upon attendees leftists and establishment GOP losers who American voters roundly rejected in 2016.
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