The Swamp
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Sep 12, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi Tells BLP Her Position On Abolishing ICE

By Luke Rohlfing

What’s a better way to spend a hot Wednesday afternoon in Washington, D.C. than at a left-wing protest against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh? That’s where Big League Politics was last week.

The Stop Kavanaugh protest circuit had been going on multiple days on a lawn near the Senate offices. Organized by, with support from other left-wing organizations like Planned Parenthood and People for the American Way, one could smell the Soros money in the air.

The secret line-up of speakers included mostly unknown protest leaders, along with Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA).

But right near the end, out of nowhere came former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who gave a boring five minute speech about stopping Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Just as she was leaving the even Big League Politics was on site to demand an answer on whether she supports abolishing ICE.

Her answer may surprise you:

[bc_video video_id=”5834055958001″ account_id=”5766826440001″ player_id=”default” embed=”in-page” padding_top=”56%” autoplay=”” min_width=”0px” max_width=”640px” width=”100%” height=”100%”]

While many in the Democrat Party are openly supporting the abolition of ICE, high-level democrats have been working to moderate themselves.

Politicians like Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have been quiet on this issue. So when Pelosi answered our question with a simple “No,” it was surprising.

This is a major blow to Democrats trying to abolish ICE. House Democrats have already filed a bill to do just that, and this video is proof that Pelosi is not on their side.

But while Pelosi may be opposed to abolishing ICE for now, there’s no telling what she will say in the future. Democrats are notorious for flip-flopping on contentious issues when it’s politically convenient.