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Aug 19, 2018

Exclusive: Twitter Employee Admits to Using Internal Channels to Censor ‘Hate Speech’

By Peter D'Abrosca

A “nonbinary neurodivergent queer” (we’re going with he/him) Software Engineer at Twitter admitted on his personal account that he uses internal company mechanisms to try to censor “hate speech” that he finds personally offensive.

“Use in-app reporting mechanism, hear back ‘no violation’, escalate case internally,” he wrote in October.

The employee often expressed chagrin at what he views as a lack of regulation of speech on the app, and even called for the complete deplatforming of “Nazis,” which is leftist code for “anyone who disagrees with me:”

“Pleasantly surprised that we actually did the right thing by deverifying some prominent Nazi clods,” he said in November. “Now maybe we can deplaftorm the rest of them.”

Big League Politics contributor Laura Loomer, who has 200,000 followers and is both Jewish and most certainly not a Nazi, was deverified in Twitter’s purge of blue check marks last November.

The employee, who uses the app anonymously, works in the company’s Seattle office.



He refers to himself as a “maintenance programmer” in one tweet, and an “SRE” (Site Reliability Engineer) in another.

The Tweets are quite revealing. They provide a glimpse into how Twitter operates behind the scenes, showing that censorship is not just algorithmic, but part of the leftist culture at the company. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that Twitter “leans left” in an interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter Saturday.

Twitter employees have admitted on hidden camera that the company “shadow bans” those whom they feel have inappropriate views. Those people always seem to be politically right-of-center.

By comparison, leftist users of the micro-blogging site are allowed far more latitude. Sarah Jeong, for example, the virulently anti-white racist editor who was just hired by the New York Times, is allowed a platform without repercussions.

President Donald J. Trump recently addressed social media censorship (a tad bit ironically) on Twitter.

“Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….” he wrote.

The company has publicly denied censoring users based on ideology during a time when prominent conservatives, including Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, and Tommy Robinson have been censored by Silicon Valley giants.