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Nov 13, 2017

Is this a forgery? Compare Roy Moore’s signature 1977 v. 2017

By Neil W. McCabe

Monday, Beverly Young Nelson came forward with her attorney Gloria Allred and told reporters at a New York City press conference that Alabama GOP nominee Roy S. Moore attempted to groom her for a potential relationship when she was a 16-year-old waitress.

Young Nelson said on one occasion, Moore, then a 30-year-old assistant district attorney in Alabama’s Etoway County, when she accepted a ride home from the Vietnam veteran. During this ride home, she said Moore stopped to car and made aggressive sexual moves, including grabbing her breasts and forcing her face into his crotch.

This accusation of sexual misconduct comes after Thursday’s report in The Washington Post, where four women described sexual misconduct by Moore towards them, including one woman, who said she was 14-years-old at the time. The age of consent in Alabama was then and now, 16-years-old.

A Big League-Gravis poll conducted Saturday showed Moore holding a 48 percent to 46 percent advantage over his Democratic opponent G. Douglas Jones.

Young Nelson presented an entry in a high school yearbook as collaborating evidence for her account, a signed note she said was written and signed by Moore.

In this photo is the entry and Moore’s recent signature from a fundraising email sent in late October.

Are they written by the same man?