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May 20, 2022

Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Confirms She Ordered Russiagate Hoax

By Shane Trejo

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager Robby Mook testified in a court case on Friday that his boss ordered the Russiagate hoax against her political opposition, Donald J. Trump, before his presidential election.

Mook said during the trial of Michael Sussman, who has been indicted by Special Counsel John Durham, that Clinton shared bogus allegations to the fake news media of Trump being linked to the Kremlin’s Alfa Bank in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

Mook also discussed the news at the time with current White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Hillary’s pizza-loving campaign chairman John Podesta. He was briefed by campaign attorney Marc Elias on the issue.

“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook said while giving testimony.

“I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” he continued.

“I recall it being a member of our press staff,” he added. “We authorized a staff member to share it with the media.”

This confirms reports from 2019 by Big League Politics that the genesis of the Russiagate hoax was Crooked Hillary herself:

The public origins of the left’s Russian “collusion” conspiracy theory appear to be an at-the-time innocuous video posted to then-candidate Hillary R. Clinton’s Twitter page in early August of 2016, three months before Donald Trump’s decisive election victory.

“Seriously, what is going on with Trump and Russia?” she captioned a Tweet, adding a video suggesting that then-candidate Trump was working with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Several key events had already transpired by the time Clinton sent this Tweet, all but proving that the Russiagate conspiracy theory was a Clinton campaign invention.

In Spring of 2016, well before the Clinton Tweet, the Clinton campaign had already retained Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. Specifically, it was Democratic Party campaign lawyer Marc Elias who hired Fusion GPS through is firm, Perkins Coie. Fusion sub-contracted with former spy Michael Steele, who’d done long stints of intelligence work in Russia.

Steele quickly turned around and filed his first incendiary report with his Democrat-funded client on the 20th of June, 2016.

They hired Steele, who has deep ties to Moscow, and he compiled his still-unverified dossier that, among other bogus claims, said that Trump had hired Russian hookers to pee on him years prior.”

In a sane world, Clinton would be behind bars because of these revelations. She has already gotten away with so many capital offenses though that she will likely skate from this with impunity as well.