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Apr 16, 2018

GOP Gubernatorial Race Heats Up Over ‘Bathroom Bill’

By Peter D'Abrosca

A family values activist from Pennsylvania told Big League Politics that one of the most pressing issues in the state’s GOP Gubernatorial primary is its so-called “bathroom bill.”

“Paul Mango (R), vows to veto any ‘bathroom bill’ legislation that violates privacy for bathrooms and public facilities, ensuring women & children our privacy, safety and protection of religious liberties,” said Carla D’Addesi, Founder of Defend Our Privacy Coalition, a non-profit that supports traditional family values.

“The “Bathroom Bill” otherwise known as the PA Fairness Act, seeks to add ‘gender identity & expression and sexual orientation’ to Pennsylvania’s Human Relations Act,'” D’Adessi said.

According to D’Addesi, State Senator Scott Wagner (R), has given in to the leftist social justice crowd and agreed to support the bill.

If passed, the new law would read:

State law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity, age, religion, and handicap, among other characteristics, in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations.

According to D’Addesi, “public accommodations” include school bathrooms and locker rooms, as well as bathrooms in any public place, including movie theaters, restaurants, and stores. Private entities would be forced to comply with the law.

The law would even include women’s shelters.

“Ironically, women’s shelters, places often sought to escape dangerous men, would be forced to admit men who ‘feel’ like women”, said D’Addesi. “According to research published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as many as 57 percent of the women in shelters report domestic violence as the primary cause of their homelessness. What does it look like when those men are allowed to claim female “gender identity” and follow them in?”

Wagner’s primary opponent, Paul Mango (R), has vowed to oppose the new “Bathroom Bill,” protecting tradition values and safety, particular of women, in public.

D’Addesi has been fighting a-scientific, made up, gender fluidity nonsense for three years now, and is one of America’s foremost experts on the subject. She keeps a close eye on local and national politics, and speaks often at the White House on such topics.

“True Conservatives in Pennsylvania plan to elect Paul Mango,” she said.