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May 11, 2022

Greg Abbott Wants to Challenge Supreme Court Ruling that Allows Children of Illegal Aliens to Enroll in Public Schools

By Jose Nino

On May 4, 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated that his government was ready to take on a 40-year old decision that forced the state of Texas to provide free public education to the children of the illegal aliens. 

During an appearance on The Joe Pags Show, where he originally appeared on to talk about the recent Roe v. Wade leak, Abbot mentioned another Supreme Court decision, Plyler v. Doe.

“I think we will resurrect that case and challenge this issue again, because the expenses are extraordinary and the times are different than when Plyler v. Doe was issued many decades ago,” Abbott said to host Joe Pagliarulo.

In the Plyler v. Doe case of 1982, the Supreme Court overturned a 1975 Texas state statute that rejected funding to public schools for the education of the non-citizen children of illegal aliens. According to a report by Law & Crime, “The case also challenged Texas’ policy of authorizing its local school districts to deny public school enrollment to children not “legally admitted” to the country, and to charge families $1,000 per student to compensate for the lost funding due to their enrollment.”

Moreover, this case was centered on the Equal Protection Clause and how the Texas statue disparately treated the children of illegal aliens in a negative manner, while other children across Texas faced no discrimination. 

On a 5-4 majority vote, the Supreme Court argued that the state of Texas illegally discriminated against the non-citizen children of illegal aliens.

No meaningful changes to immigration policy will occur at the federal level. There’s too much gridlock and a lack of firm leadership in DC at the moment So it’s up to state governments like Texas to lead the way and craft immigration restriction policies that protect the Historic American Nation. 

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