Despite fears of a backdoor gun confiscation bill being snuck in at the last minute, Texas gun confiscation bill HB 545 is officially dead.
Lone Star Gun Rights reports that “HB 545 has been defeated.”
Bill sponsor Poncho Nevarez “postponed the bill until 2021 which means the bill is dead.”
Groups like Lone Star Gun Rights and Texas Gun Rights sounded the alarms on this bill in the past few weeks.
In a national email addressed to members, National Association for Gun Rights President Dudley Brown claimed that HB 545 could haved stripped “Texans of their right to bear arms without proper due process all under the guise of “mental health.”
The NAGR president also stated that HB 545 was “even more extensive than Obama’s veteran gun ban meaning veterans in Texas will get the brunt of the ill effects of this bill, and rumors even suggest that HB 545 could be amended with dangerous “Red Flag” gun confiscation language.”
Chris McNutt, the Executive Director of Texas Gun Rights, declared that “Like “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders, HB 545 already infringes upon law-abiding Texans of their right to bear arms without a crime even being committed.”
The bill quickly passed the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee and was supposed to be voted on by the full Texas House of Representatives on May 9.
However, grassroots gun rights activists applied enough pressure to stop this bill in its tracks.
McNutt shared his thoughts with BLP:
Speaker Bonnen allowed gun control to come to the house floor for a vote while Constitutional Carry languished in committee. But thanks to the quick action and phone calls of our members, we forced Poncho Nevarez to withdraw his bill from consideration by the Texas House, thus killing his own bill.
Had it passed, HB 545 would have hurt gun rights in Texas considerably, which is constitutionally protected both at the state and federal level.
With the the 2019 legislative session quickly coming to a close, Texas is likely safe from gun control until the 2021 legislative session.