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Aug 31, 2022

High Grocery Bills Mean Frustrated Americans, Big Problems For Democrats Ahead Of Midterms

By Bo Banks

Voters are rightfully angry about the skyrocketing grocery prices. Especially because it feels like the Democrats in power couldn’t care less.

Instead, they are sending our money to Ukraine over and over again, and pushing to fund woke programs that will serve no benefit to the average American’s bottom line.

The Inflation Reduction Act, especially, has served as a major slap in the face.

Regardless, Biden and his administration are taking credit for the slowly declining gas prices (even though they didn’t take responsibility for their rise), while dismissing the 13.1% increase in grocery prices in July from the year prior.

According to a May survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal and NORC at the University of Chicago, Americans are noticing this selective accountability.

Which is why household finance concerns over grocery prices were second only to worries over gas prices. 

Per The Wall Street Journal: “The survey found Americans are in a sour mood and registering some of the highest levels of economic dissatisfaction in years.

“The pessimism extended beyond the current economy to include doubts about the nation’s political system, its role as a global leader and its ability to help most people achieve the American dream,” the outlet added.

As the 2022 midterms approach, Democrats appear to be more focused on systematically changing the country through its various social, environmental, health, and tax initiatives and passion projects. 

Oftentimes neglecting the issues Americans care far most about; gas and food prices.

“It’s a grocery and gas election. ”Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), chairman of House Republicans’ campaign arm said. “The number 1 issue in every one of the battleground districts that we look at remains inflation and the economy.”

There are various reasons for the rising costs of food, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Which heavily reduced the supply of wheat.

Labor shortages have also added to the problem, as a lack of truck drivers paired with ongoing supply chain issues have made costs more expensive.

With all these household fears exacerbating, voters are beginning to grow tired of the empty platitudes and bogus lies coming from the Democrat party. 

Though the high costs of food are likely to remain no matter who takes control of the House and Senate in 2022, Republicans are campaigning on the real issues that Americans are concerned about daily.

High grocery bills will continue to hurt Democrats ahead of the midterms. The strikedown of Roe V. Wade did not ignite the left-wing base as much as strategists thought it would.

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