DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 30JAN09 -William H. Gates III, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA captured during the session 'Fresh Solutions for Food Security' at the Annual Meeting 2009 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 30, 2009. Copyright by World Economic Forum swiss-image.ch/Photo by Sebastian Derungs
Neoliberal oligarch Bill Gates admits to being a hypocrite on matters of the environment and sustainability in a new climate change book, openly stating that his carbon footprint is “absurdly high.”
The Microsoft business magnate comes clean in his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.”
Gates goes on to admit that his limousine liberal lifestyle makes him an “imperfect messenger on climate change.” Gates regularly flies his private jet to globalist conferences in Europe, going on to lecture in favor of restrictions on human activity in the name of the enviroment.
“I own big houses and fly in private planes — in fact, I took one to Paris for the climate conference — so who am I to lecture anyone on the environment?”
Gates caveats the admission with a series of excuses surrounding his supposed carbon offset strategy and his investments in clean energy.
Not only are Gates’ carbon emissions immensely higher than that of the average citizen, but his emissions are among the highest that any human ever to live on planet Earth has released into the environment. A mere handful of individuals throughout history have owned private jets or presided over corporations the size of Microsoft.
Asking the average middle-class person to eat bugs, give up driving an automobile, or to turn off the air conditioning in temperatures of more than 100 degrees was never a solution to climate change that was attainable or realistic. The “less is more” strategy favored by western megabillionaires conveniently provides off-ramps for the wealthiest to avoid making any real sacrifices, with carbon taxes that crush the average middle-class consumer meaningless to them.
Gates is quietly moving to secure an ever-increasing share of farmland in the United States, in a scheme some are warning represents an effort to choke off cattle ranching and the meat industry. Gates could merely restrict any cattle ranching or grazing on land he owns, by extension raising the cost of meat beyond what many Americans and international citizens are able to afford.
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