Jared Kushner is intensely lobbying for leading congressional Republicans to adopt a pro-mass immigration platform ahead of the 2020 election, according to reports that surfaced Wednesday.
Kushner claims to be the author of a 600-page proposal he presented to Republican leadership. Kushner’s immigration plan pays lip service to wall construction, but does nothing to decrease legal immigration in an era where immigration restriction has wide-ranging support from the American people, including most Trump supporters. It’s likely Kushner’s big business-first immigration proposal will actually increase legal immigration, as he’s tried to slip such an unpopular proposal into Republican immigration legislation before.
Kushner’s immigration plan also declines to mandate nationwide E-Verify, a longtime goal of immigration patriots and a policy both endorsed and sought after by Donald Trump himself.
Kushner spoke to a meeting of Republican Senators hoping to sell his proposal, but reports indicate that his reception was mixed. Kushner’s 600-page plan may very well include little more than token wall funding for immigration patriots while endorsing numerous pro-mass immigration policies long sought after by both leftist Democrats and America’s biggest corporations.
Senators Mike Lee and Ron Johnson spoke on the record in support of Kushner’s immigration plan, whereas Senator Rob Portman of Ohio was concerned with the plan’s lack of a national E-Verify proposal.
Jared Kushner has never truly supported Donald Trump’s revolutionary pro-American policies, and has been known to try and insert wildly unpopular globalist policies into the political program of the Trump administration.
Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of decreasing immigration in order to allow more wealth generated in the American economy to flow to American workers. Unfortunately, it’s hard to deliver on the most heartfelt of campaign promises when your own family members are working day and night behind the scenes to stifle them and institute the exact opposite policy.