| On
Mar 10, 2020

Joe Biden, Likely Democrat Nominee, is No Friend to Blue Collar Voters

By Matthew T. McDonald

Tonight Democrats in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and Washington State voted on who their choice will be to be the Democrat Nominee for President to face President Trump in November’s General Election.

Former Vice President Joe Biden who went into the night with a small delegate lead over Senator Bernie Sanders looks to take a commanding lead in the delegate count by the end of the night according to most political projections.

This projected nomination of Biden becomes a dilemma for many voting blue collar workers in a general election as many of them have deep conflict with him, and may not believe that he is best for them, their families, and the nation.

Yesterday workers at a Biden event in Detroit held up large banners and signs that read “NAFTA Killed Our Jobs”, a reminder that as a U.S. Senator Joe Biden supported NAFTA, the very NAFTA that shut down eighty thousand American factories and depressed wages for nearly two decades.

Today Biden belittled an auto worker after by saying he was “full of sh*t” and “a horse’s ass” after the auto worker questioned Biden’s policies on the Second Amendment.  Just a week ago Biden said he would put anti-gun and failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke at the helm of his gun policy if elected to the Oval Office.

Another avenue of dilemma may come from Biden’s declared war on the gas and oil industry, in December he proudly stated that he “would be willing to sacrifice up to hundreds of thousands of jobs [in the oil and gas industry] if it meant transitioning to a green economy”.

Reports show that just over ten million Americans have high wage jobs in the oil and gas industry.

A final point of contention may be Biden’s plans to roll back President Trump’s tax cuts and increasing the tax on the Middle Class.

The fact is that Joe Biden does not come from a place that helps the American blue collar worker or their families.  His political positions are one of decline. He, along with many in the Democrat Party, have turned their back on many patriotic members of its labor wing by embracing socialism and globalism.