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May 22, 2020

Josh Hawley Introduces Resolution Against China’s New National Security Law to Punish Hong Kong

By Shane Trejo

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a resolution on Thursday to oppose China’s new national security law meant to punish Hong Kong and quash their ongoing rebellion against the totalitarian communist state.

Hawley has long been an advocate of Hong Kong freedom protesters throughout their struggle against Chinese tyranny, which has been sidelined in large part due to the ever-so-convenient Wuhan virus outbreak. Hawley visited Hong Kong last year to talk to the people on the ground and gave a rousing floor speech highlighting their historic struggle.

He said during his speech: “I want to share something that the reverend Chu Yiu-ming said about liberty about democracy. He says it so beautifully. These are his words: “We strive for democracy because democracy strives for freedom and equality and universal love. Political freedom is more than loyalty to a state. Political freedom professes human dignity. Every single person living in a community possesses unique potentials and unique powers capable of making a unique contribution to society.”’

“That’s extraordinary and he’s exactly right, and Hongkonger’s know it, and that’s what they’re standing for, and that’s what they’re fighting for,” Hawley added. “And, Mr. President, the people of Hong Kong deserve our support, and they are depending on our support.”

China announced yesterday that they were passing a edict meant to crush dissent in Hong Kong, with no input allowed from the city itself. China has paid lip service regarding Hong Kong’s autonomy for decades, but they are now removing the facade completely.

“Beijing has opted for the most risky route,” said Ho-Fung Hung, who works as a professor of international relations for Johns Hopkins University. “It will show the world that ‘one country, two systems’ is, if not already over, almost over.”

“It will be very difficult for anyone, especially the United States, to say Hong Kong is still autonomous and viable,” Hung added.

China is denying that they are taking control over Hong Kong and putting out communist propaganda that their Draconian power-grab will actually improve relations.

“We will ensure the long-term stability of ‘one country, two systems,’ ” said Wang Yang, leader of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, which convenes every year to advise the Chinese government.

“We will continue to support the improvement of the implementation of the systems and mechanisms of the constitution and Basic Law,” he added.

It is unlikely that anyone is willing to believe the Chinese lip service at this point. Hawley is also calling on the globalist United Nations to pass a resolution condemning China’s behavior as well.