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Dec 22, 2021

Justice Department Eyeing Criminal Charges Against Border Patrol Agent Slandered in Fake “Whipping” Controversy

By Richard Moorhead

The Department of Justice is nearing a decision on filing criminal charges against a Customs and Border Patrol agent attacked by the mainstream media in a fake controversy falsely alleging he “whipped” a Haitian illegal immigrant, according to reporting from Breitbart News.

The unnamed agent in question was placed under internal investigation for the “whipping,” an event in which national progressives and mainstream media operatives conflated the reins of a horse with a whip as CBP agents arrested Haitian illegals who had infiltrated the US southern border during the siege on the Del Rio International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas.

President Joe Biden had attacked the agents in question at the behest of progressive Democrats, stating that “it’s horrible what you see, what you saw, to see people treated like they did, horses really running them over, people being strapped. I promise you; those people will pay.

A Customs and Border Patrol announced his resignation in a scathing internal email last week, pointing to the Biden administration’s thorough gutting of border security and de facto concierge services for illegal immigrants. In the email to his section chief, Joseph Mustafa indicated that the CBP had been transformed into “handmaids” for illegal immigrants, stating that it was impossible for him to merely clock in and clock out as the Biden administration destroyed the fundamental mission of Customs and Border Patrol.

If the Department of Justice declines to file criminal charges, the agent in question still could face administrative punishment within DHS for the incident. The majority of the illegals who infiltrated the border in the September Del Rio siege have been resettled throughout the country, with Biden administration allusions to mass deportations failing to materialize.

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