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Nov 4, 2021

Kevin McCarthy Predicts GOP Could Win More Than 60 House Seats in Sweeping Midterm Gains

By Richard Moorhead

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy predicted Wednesday that the Republicans could win more than 60 seats in the 2022 midterm elections, with such an outcome rivaling the Tea Party electoral wave of 2010.

McCarthy made the suggestion in response to sweeping Republican victories in Virginia, New Jersey, and New York, with the party increasingly competitive with the crucial constituency of suburban white voters it had struggled to maintain in the past two federal elections.

It’ll be more than 70 [Democratic seats] that will be competitive. There’s many that are going to lose their races based upon walking off a cliff from Nancy Pelosi pushing them,” he continued. “She may not care if she lose. She lost 63 the last time she was Speaker moving policy that the country didn’t care for.

Democrats gained 41 House seats in the 2018 midterms that won them the lower chamber. A Red Wave election that swings as many seats as the 2010 election would swing the pendulum even farther to Republican control, with the GOP picking up 12 House seats in the 2020 elections.

It could be one of the biggest election losses for Democrats,” said McCarthy of 2022. “When [Pelosi] was Speaker last time, losing 63 set a record, but it could be more competitive this time.

Many Democrats expect the 81-year old Pelosi to retire in the aftermath of the 2022 election, unwilling to take the blame for an increasingly possible blowout for the Democrats. The party’s elite have spiraled into a panic following the wide-ranging losses in the three states, with leaders on Capitol Hill determined to chalk up the contests to inability to pass infrastructure. In reality, mass alienation of the Democratic Party is fueled by critical race theory indoctrination in school, Biden’s lack of accomplishments, wide-ranging inflation and surging prices.

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