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Jun 26, 2017

Latino Trump Supporter Chased Out of Protest for Supporting Bill to Help Deport Illegal Immigrants

By Cassandra Fairbanks

A Latino man in a Trump shirt was removed from a protest against Senate Bill 4 in Texas on Monday, after daring to try and speak in support of it.

The bill, which is supposed to take effect on September 1, will allow police to question the immigration status of people they encounter during routine traffic stops. It would also allow the government to remove law enforcement officials from office if they do not cooperate.

A video of the incident, which took place in Houston, was captured by a local ABC reporter and activist, Antonio Arellano — whose Twitter bio reads, “Latino, fighting for inclusion, tolerance and fairness in #Texas.”

That inclusion that the left always claims does not extend to conflicting perspectives, however, as seen in the footage that he captured.

The Trump supporter attempted to speak on the microphone in support of the bill, and was promptly escorted out by police as the mob shouted that he is “racist.”

“Get your racist ass out of here!” a protester shouted as the Latino man made his way out of the crowd. The mob, though perfectly fine with allowing people to freely cross into our country without any vetting, also began to chant “get him out.”

The chant made for a fascinating scene, perfectly depicting the fear liberals have of ideas that conflict with their own — but not the violent cartels who are currently running out border, or the MS13 gang that has been leaving a trail of blood in cities across the nation.

El Cenizo Mayor Raul Reves was also in attendance at the protest, telling Arellano that he is ready for the fight over SB4 to the Supreme Court.

“I am very optimistic and hopeful that we will get that injunction — though we know that they will probably appeal it,” Reves said.

Reves’ sentiments were echoed by Austin Mayor Steve Adler, who said that it was “really exciting to be in a courtoom with all the major other cities” in Texas.