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Mar 5, 2018

‘Let Him Arrest Me’: Sam Nunberg Ignores Robert Mueller’s Subpoena

By Patrick Howley

Former President Donald Trump political adviser Sam Nunberg said that he will not cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation, which initially sought to probe Trump’s alleged Russia ties but now has no specific scope whatsoever.

Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks both stonewalled the House Intelligence Committee (one lawmaker said of Hicks, “She Bannon’ed us”) and Nunberg likewise is not showing politically-motivated investigators any respect.

“Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday,” Nunberg told the Washington Post Friday, after he was subpoenaed.

“The Russians and Trump did not collude. Putin is too smart to collude with Donald Trump,” Nunberg said.

“I’m not spending 80 hours going over my emails with Roger Stone and Steve Bannon and producing them. Donald Trump won this election on his own. He campaigned his ass off. And there is nobody who hates him more than me,” Nunberg added.

Nunberg is known for speaking his mind, regardless of consequences. When Steve Bannon was getting pushed out of the White House by Generals John Kelly and H.R. McMaster, Nunberg complained about Matt Drudge’s anti-Bannon stance in an interview with The Daily Caller.

“Matt should go back into his hobbit hole in Miami and listen to techno,” the former Trump campaign adviser said. “Matt should understand that people like me can blow him the fook up. F-o-o-k, Conor McGregor. Blow him the fook up,” Nunberg said.