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Jan 11, 2021

Meghan McCain Suggests Trump Supporters Should Be Thrown in Guantanamo Bay on ‘The View’

By Shane Trejo

Meghan McCain, the venomously anti-Trump daughter of deceased Sen. John McCain, is calling for President Donald Trump’s supporters to be put into Guantanamo Bay.

McCain is calling for Trump supporters who participated in the infamous and historic Capitol siege in Washington D.C. last week to be detained in the facility typically used to hold foreign terrorists.

“I just think we need to treat domestic terrorists the way we do actual terrorists. I think we need to consider all possibilities. I’m not against sending these people to Gitmo. These are domestic terrorists who attacked our own Republic. They should be treated the same way we treat Al Qaeda,” she said during a discussion on ABC’s “The View.”

The clip can be seen here:

McCain also endorsed impeaching President Trump or removing him with the 25th Amendment, thinking this incredible overreach would somehow prevent the likelihood of violence:

Big League Politics has reported on McCain frequently opening her mouth and embarrassing herself, never shutting her yap despite the fact that she is no longer a relevant figure in the modern Republican Party:

Dr. Kelli Ward and Meghan McCain got into a bit of a humorous Twitter spat Saturday afternoon after the latter responded to a tweet from the Arizona Republican Party…

The Arizona GOP tweeted on New Year’s Day that “as the sun sets on 2020, remember that we’re never going back to the party of Romney, Flake, and McCain. The Republican Party is now, and forever will be, one for the working man and woman! God bless.”

… Meghan McCain later quote tweeted it saying: “Honestly whomever is running this twitter [sic] account can go to hell.”

A mere seven minutes later Dr. Kelli Ward, the current chair of the Arizona GOP who attempted to primary John McCain in 2016, responded with laughing emojis and said: “Good job, @AZGOP! Someone is #Triggered!”

This did not sit well with Meghan McCain, who retorted that “you just lost Arizona both Senate seats to Democrats, the general election to Biden and turned the state blue for the first time in generations.”

Ward’s response was a slam dunk: “I think that was you and your mom…who voted for Uncle Joe? Who wants to be Kamala’s Ambassador to England? Who didn’t campaign for Republicans but instead backstabbed everyone from President [Donald Trump] to me? That was ALL YOU. You’re a family of frauds.”

Now that’s what I call a “sick burn.” McCain walked right into that one.

The events of last week have exposed who the RINOs are once and for all. The civil war within the Republican Party over the next election cycle will be epic.