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Jul 25, 2019

Mike Lindell of My Pillow Considering a Run Against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District

By Shane Trejo

Freshman legislator Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has quickly emerged as one of the nation’s most reviled lawmakers after making a cacophony of anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-American comments while serving in Congress. Mike Lindell, better known as the My Pillow inventor, is considering a challenge against her next year.

Lindell confirmed that he will be intimately involved in the effort to turn Minnesota red next year, and failed to rule out a potential Congressional run against Omar during an appearance on the Sara Carter show earlier this month.

“There’s things going on you don’t even see,” he said. “And I will tell you this, I’m going to do so much in Minnesota over the next year and a half, you won’t even see any blue.”

“I just want the people to get to know the good things that are going on,” Lindell added, noting that he intends to tout the economic progress made by the Trump administration to the voters across the North Star State.

Lindell said that he believes that run for Congressional office may be in store for him in the future, if it’s what God wants him to do.

“I always say, I’ve been asked that a million times and, you know what, if I prayed about it and God had me go that direction, I would do it in a heartbeat,” he said.

Lindell’s story is the American dream personified, as he has overcome significant hurdles to become one of the most beloved and recognizable corporate pitchmen in the world.

He founded the The Lindell Recovery Network to help individuals overcome drug addiction. Lindell’s program helps others overcome their addiction by giving them a support group, finding them jobs, and encouraging them to get faith-based counseling. Lindell has been sober for years, conquering his addiction to crack cocaine, and he wants to help others to do so as well.

Lindell describes his efforts in combating drug addiction as “a story of hope, help, and mentorship, and it’s going to change this country.” His program can save lives in a country that is plagued with an opiate epidemic that is ravaging America’s rural communities in particular.

He also produced the movie “Unplanned,” based on an abortionist for Planned Parenthood who became pro-life. The movie chronicles the true story of Abby Johnson, who assisted in performing 22,000 abortions before seeing the light. The film was released in theaters across the country despite boycotts from leftist and pro-abortion groups.

Lindell clearly has many substantial projects he is focusing on right now, but it is not likely that Omar will face a more credible challenger than the multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Trump believes the entire state of Minnesota is in play because of this Somali refugee’s unpopular opinions.“Your other friend from an incredible state, right, state that I’m going to win — Minnesota,” Trump said about Omar while addressing a Turning Point USA group earlier this week.

He added: “And you know what I’m going to win the state? Because of her. I almost won it last time. We came [within] just about a point. Minnesota is very hard work for a Republican to win. We almost won it — one more night. I wanted to go there one more time. I said, ‘I’m telling you, we’re gong to win Minnesota.’”

Omar currently has one Republican challenger who has announced their candidacy in Danielle Stella, a Trump supporter and special education teacher with no experience in business or government. However, her candidacy is already in tatters amidst allegations that she has felony theft charges against her that are pending. Although she proclaims her innocence, Stella may face years in prison if she is ultimately convicted.

Lindell could be the only hope for a Republican to unseat Omar in 2020, as the Trump wave cascades throughout the Midwest.