Former Missouri Governor and current ‘America First’ U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens is being vindicated after the fake news and political swamp in his state sabotaged his rising political stardom in 2018 with false charges.
The latest news shows that Soros-funded thug prosecutor Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney who led the bogus case against Greitens with help from Missouri RINOs, is being forced by the Missouri Supreme Court to produce crucial communications with political insiders about Greitens’ railroading, including potential conversations with her progressive paymaster George Soros.
Just the News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon filed the public records request, which Gardner and her team of lawyers have thus far attempted to stonewall. They will be able to do so no longer after this decision by the Missouri Supreme Court.
“I am grateful for the Missouri Supreme Court for ruling that the public interest should prevail here,” Solomon said in a statement.
“The Missouri voters and the American public deserve to know what went on in this case, and we now have an opportunity to tell them the facts. A special thanks to Southeastern Legal Foundation for its incredible work on this. We look forward to making all the information we want in this case public as soon as it’s delivered by Ms. Gardner’s office,” he added.
Last month, an investigator in the Greitens case pleaded guilty to evidence tampering for unlawfully denying key information to defense attorneys after being charged with seven felony counts. Greitens was forced to resign as governor in the fallout of that crooked investigation and political hit job initiated against him.
As soon as that news hit the press, the RINO establishment – including disgraced Bush-era hack Karl Rove, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and, sadly, even so-called populist U.S. Senator Josh Hawley – sprang into action with their next character assassination attempt against Greitens.
Big League Politics reported on how Rove approached Greitens’ ex-wife in order to impugn his character in the public eye by levying more false allegations:
“The lawyer for Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens is contending that his ex-wife, Sheena Greitens, lied about abuse allegations in a sworn affidavit after being coached by neoconservative Bush hack Karl Rove.
“Sheena Greitens lied in a sworn affidavit alleging abusive behavior that never happened. Her false story is contradicted by numerous photographs, videos, medical and dental records, and even Sheena’s own emails. Multiple sources have now confirmed that she did discuss these matters with Karl Rove before they were filed,” attorney Tim Parlatore wrote in a public statement.
The full statement can be seen here:
… Greitens will be vindicated by the time this situation unfolds. He has shown the willingness to stand up for truth under the most intense of pressure.”
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), another America First champion who has been the victim of conspiracy by RINOs, Democrats, the fake news and corrupt government officials, pointed out the obvious agenda that is afoot in these continued attacks meant to destroy Greitens:
If Greitens can withstand the defamation and triumphantly return to politics as a U.S. Senator, it will be a massive blow to the Uniparty political establishment, demonstrating that the voting public falls for their dirty tricks no longer.