Two Americas
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Oct 25, 2021

More Than a Third of White Students Lie About Their Race in College Admissions

By Richard Moorhead

Recent polling indicates that over a third of white students lie about their race in college admissions, indicating that young Americans are seeking strategies to avoid being negatively impacted by left-wing and anti-white racism on the part of American colleges and universities.

A July survey from Intelligent that polled 1,650 white college prospects indicated that 34% of students lied about their race and ethnicity to make themselves more competitive in applying for college admissions and financial aid at universities. 81% of the students that admitted falsely indicating a non-European race or ethnicity said they hoped to improve their chances at grants and admissions, recognizing the pervasive preference for non-white students on the part of colleges and universities.

Nearly half of white men admitted to claiming to be another race in college admissions. White women were less likely to do so, with affirmative action benefits continuing to grant privileges to females even as they increasingly outnumber men on college campuses.

A majority of the students who falsely claimed non-European identity in college admissions described being Native American. A significant percentage of European Americans have partial Native American ancestry, although enrollment into a tribal organization and Native American identity tend to be more elusive.

White students aren’t the only demographic affected by racism in college admissions, with evidence indicating Asian students are also discriminated against in college admissions, especially by Ivy League universities.

In spite of narratives from some internet conservatives, college admissions and higher education  continue to play a significant role in American society, with individuals who are college-educated earning considerably higher wages and accumulating more wealth than those without degrees.

American society was formerly organized on principles of merit, with a new neoliberal elite instead seeking to emphasize race and ethnicity in all aspects of life in a fashion more reminiscent of diverse and troubled nations in Europe and Asia.

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