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Dec 5, 2022

Most Republican Voters Want to Dump Mitch McConnell as Senate Minority Leader

By Jose Nino

According to a poll that Rasmussen Reports and “Washington Secrets” conducted, only 28% of likely United States voters hold a favorable view of McConnell, which includes 5% who hold a “very favorable” view of him. 64% of voters currently view McConnell unfavorably, which includes 35% who hold a very unfavorable impression of the Senate minority leader.

Only 21% of likely voters believe Senate Republicans should continue having McConnell as leader. By contrast, 61% believe they should choose a new leader. 62% of Republican voters want McConnell gone as Senate GOP leader, which 58% of Democrats and 63% of independent voters also agree with. Among conservative voters, 66% want Senate Republicans to ditch McConnell.

Women voters tend to hold more negative views of McConnell. Only 24% of women voters view McConnell favorably, compared to 33% of men voters. 

68% of whites, 58% of black voters and 52% of other non-white minorities view McConnell unfavorably. 61% of whites, 55% of black voters, and 64% of other non-white minorities believe Senate Republicans should choose a new leader. 

53% of voters below the age of 40 believe Senate Republicans should “ditch Mitch,” in addition to nearly two-thirds of older voters.

All in all, if GOP voters actually want America First reforms, they must ditch McConnell from leadership roles. The Kentucky Senator is the embodiment of the Business First and Invade the World/Invite the World policies that characterized the Republican Party prior to the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

McConnell and his ilk must ultimately be purged from the GOP if nationalists want to become a relevant force in US politics.