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Apr 26, 2020

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Socialist Stacey Abrams Unveils Her Plan to Remake Congress at 2014 Conference

By Jose Nino

Radical leftist, failed gubernatorial candidate and member of Biden’s VP short list, Stacey Abrams, was caught on tape in 2014 at a left-wing organizing conference for PowerPAC. While being featured on a panel discussion, Abrams highlighted her intentions to use redistricting as a tool to bring about electoral change in Georgia.

She noted how Georgia has a 31 percent African American population, a 9 percent Latino population, and a 3.5 percent Asian population, which brings the minority demographic total to 43.5 percent in the Peach State.

However, she noted that this voting bloc “underperforms” every election cycle. She warned that “policies change” because of this performance at the polls. Abrams claimed that certain policies such as women’s rights have been under assault by conservative legislators as a result of Democrat’s dismal performances in elections.

The Georgia House Minority leader talked about emulating the Republican Revolution model of the 90s as a way for Democrats to take over the Georgia State Legislature, Governor’s mansion, and the U.S. Senate. She called for more voter outreach, registration, and building constructive relationship with voters.

Then, Abrams made a strong call to action at the end of the video. She urged her Democrat colleagues to focus on 2021 and use redistricting in their favor.

“When we do redistricting in 2021, if we have not changed the electorate, especially in the South, we will have a majority minority population that is governed by a minority white conservative coalition. That is the most dangerous precedent that we could possibly set for the South in the next twenty years.”

BLP posted about this talk Abrams gave:

YIKES!I In video from 2014, Socialist Stacey Abrams, failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate & rumored Biden VP pick, outlines her plan to remake Congress through redistricting in 2021.This is a look inside the mind of left wing politician with a long term agenda. MUST WATCH!

It’s no secret that demographics is destiny in American politics.

In this plan, Abrams and her colleagues will likely incorporate subversive actions that facilitate mass migration in order to pad the electorate.

For that reason, President Trump must lay down the hammer on immigration and pass a full-blown moratorium so that Democrats don’t have an easy way to electoral dominance in the country.